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About AGIC5

Billion People Affected by Water Scarcity
Sustainable Development Goals

AboutOverview of AGIC5

Water is vital for all life on Earth. However, the availability of freshwater is under growing threat due to factors like population growth, industrialization, pollution, and climate change. Furthermore, inadequate management and irresponsible usage exacerbate the issue

Addressing the Urgency

Population growth is the primary driver of pressure on water resources. The global population has increased from 2.5 billion in 1950 to 8 billion in 2023. This demographic growth has led to increased demand for water in agriculture, industry, and food production. Climate change is also an emerging cause of water scarcity.

Consequences and Solutions

The consequences of water scarcity are severe. It can lead to water shortages, conflicts, migrations, and health crises. Water shortages are already a reality in many parts of the world. According to the UN, 2.2 billion people live in regions where water is scarce for at least one month per year. Throughout history, mass migrations have occurred due to drought.

Global Collaboration for Sustainable Water Management

Several solutions and strategies can contribute to addressing water scarcity. They must be implemented at global, national, and local levels. Furthermore, international communities are more aware of water issues and the United Nations has included among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), goal 6 which is dedicated to water and sanitation. At a global level, it is necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to tackle climate change and mitigate its impact on water resources and natural disasters. At a national level, the implementation of effective policies is needed for sustainable management of water resources, especially groundwater, which currently represents the primary source of freshwater.

Local Solutions for Water Sustainability

Concrete actions and measures can be applied locally to improve water use efficiency, including installing water-saving systems, harvesting rainwater, and promoting the use of recycled water. Globally, water scarcity is significant, and urgent action is required. It is still possible to ensure universal access to clean water and sanitation.

Since its first AGIC edition, experts in the water field from around the world have been invited to discuss and share the latest findings on water-related challenges. AGIC5 will continue to achieve its main objectives, focusing on knowledge exchange, highlighting new research, and promoting innovative solutions.

AGIC5  welcomes participation from researchers, water professionals and managers, policymakers, industry stakeholders, and civil society.